Characteristics, sources, production and applications. Xylanases.
In: Yang S-T, El Ensashy H, Thongchul N (eds.) Bioprocessing Technologies in Biorefinery for Sustainable Production of Fuels, Chemicals, and Polymers pp. 147-169. Wiley.
ISBN: 978-0-470-54195.

Prof. Dr. Gianni Panagiotou
Microbiome Dynamics · Leitung +49 3641 532-1759 gianni.panagiotou@leibniz-hki.deCurriculum vitae
- Medizinische & Umweltmetagenomik: Mensch, Maus, Pflanzen, marine Lebewesen
- Systembiologie: Integration von –omics-Daten; Molekül/ Protein & Protein/ Protein Netzwerke
- Synthetische Biologie: Metabolische Modellierung auf Genomausmaß, Design von Probiotika, Entdeckung von Postbiotika
Targeted metabolic engineering guided by computational analysis of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).
Methods Mol Biol 985,
Analyzing the genomic variation of microbial cell factories in the era of "New Biotechnology"
Comput Struct Biotechnol J 3,
Mapping the genome of Plasmodium falciparum on the drug-like chemical space reveals novel anti-malarial targets and potential drug leads.
Mol Biosyst 8(6),
The impact of network biology in pharmacology and toxicology.
SAR QSAR Environ Res 23(3-4),
Navigating the human metabolome for biomarker identification and design of pharmaceutical molecules.
J Biomed Biotechnol 2011,
Linking genotype and phenotype of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains reveals metabolic engineering targets and leads to triterpene hyper-producers.
PLOS One 6(3),
Studying the ability of Fusarium oxysporum and recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisae to efficiently cooperate in decomposition and ethanolic fermentation of wheat straw.
Biomass and Bioenergy 35(8),
The interplay of descriptor-based computational analysis with pharmacophore modeling builds the basis for a novel classification scheme for feruloyl esterases.
Biotechnol Adv 29(1),
Feruloyl esterases as biosynthetic tools for the organic synthesis of nutraceutical compounds
In: Heldman DR, Hoover DG, Wheeler MB (eds.) Encyclopedia of Biotechnology in Agriculture and Food CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
ISBN: 978-0849350276.