Identification of robust and generalizable biomarkers for microbiome-based stratification in lifestyle interventions.

Chen J*, Leal Siliceo S*, Ni Y, Nielsen HB, Xu A, Panagiotou G (2023) Identification of robust and generalizable biomarkers for microbiome-based stratification in lifestyle interventions. Microbiome 11(1), 178.

*equal contribution


A growing body of evidence suggests that the gut microbiota is strongly linked to general human health. Microbiome-directed interventions, such as diet and exercise, are acknowledged as a viable and achievable strategy for preventing disorders and improving human health. However, due to the significant inter-individual diversity of the gut microbiota between subjects, lifestyle recommendations are expected to have distinct and highly variable impacts to the microbiome structure.


Jiarui Chen
Sara Leal Siliceo
Yueqiong (Bernard) Ni
Gianni Panagiotou


*co-first authors


doi: 10.1186/s40168-023-01604-z

PMID: 37553697