Dr. Maria Stroe



Stroe MC, Netzker T, Schroeckh V, Hanf B, Brakhage AA (2019) Microbial co-cultures as source of novel drugs for infections. In: Elsevier Science (ed.) Comprehensive Natural Products III: Chemistry and Biology 3, pp. Chapter 30015. Elsevier. (Review)
Dasari P, Shopova IA, Stroe M, Wartenberg D, Dahse HM, Beyersdorf N, Hortschansky P, Dietrich S, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Westermann M, Skerka C, Brakhage AA, Zipfel PF (2018) Aspf2 from Aspergillus fumigatus recruits human immune regulators for immune evasion and cell damage. Front Immunol 9, 1635.
Fischer J, Müller SY, Netzker T, Jäger N, Gacek-Matthews A, Scherlach K, Stroe MC, García-Altares M, Pezzini F, Schoeler H, Reichelt M, Gershenzon, Krespach MK, Shelest E, Schroeckh V, Valiante V, Heinzel T, Hertweck C, Strauss J, Brakhage AA (2018) Chromatin mapping identifies BasR, a key regulator of bacteria-triggered production of fungal secondary metabolites. eLife 7, e40969.
Hoefgen S, Lin J, Fricke J, Stroe MC, Mattern DJ, Kufs JE, Hortschansky P, Brakhage AA, Hoffmeister D, Valiante V (2018) Facile assembly and fluorescence-based screening method for heterologous expression of biosynthetic pathways in fungi. Metab Eng 48, 44-51.
Netzker T, Flak M, Krespach MK, Stroe MC, Weber J, Schroeckh V, Brakhage AA (2018) Microbial interactions trigger the production of antibiotics. Curr Opin Microbiol 45, 117-123. (Review)