Curriculum vitae


Polyketidsynthasegene in Dictoystelium discoideum.


Pflanze S, Mukherji R, Ibrahim A, Günther M, Götze S, Chowdhury S, Reimer L, Regestein L, Stallforth P (2023) Nonribosomal peptides protect Pseudomonas nunensis 4A2e from amoebal and nematodal predation. Chem Sci 14(41), 11573-11581.
Günther M*, Reimer C*, Herbst R*, Kufs JE, Rautschek J, Ueberschaar N, Zhang S, Peschel G, Reimer L, Regestein L, Valiante V, Hillmann F#, Stallforth P# (2022) Yellow polyketide pigment suppresses premature hatching in social amoeba. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 119(43), e2116122119.
Götze S, Arp J, Lackner G, Zhang S, Kries H, Klapper M, García-Altares M, Willing K, Günther M, Stallforth P (2019) Structure elucidation of the syringafactin lipopeptides provides insight in the evolution of nonribosomal peptide synthetases. Chem Sci 10(48), 10979-10990.
Herbst R, Günther M, Stallforth P (2019) Chemical Ecology of Dictyostelium discoideum. In: Comprehensive Natural Products III Elsevier. (Review)
Klapper M, Arp J, Günther M, Stallforth P (2018) The role of bacterial natural products in predator defense. Synlett 29(5), 537-541. (Review)