
Kämmer P, McNamara S*, Wolf T, Conrad T, Allert S, Gerwien F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Guthke R, Hube B, Linde J, Brunke S (2020) Survival strategies of pathogenic Candida species in human blood show independent and specific adaptations. mBio 11(5), e02435-20.
Sprenger M, Hartung TS, Allert S, Wisgott S, Niemiec MJ, Graf K, Jacobsen ID, Kasper L, Hube B (2020) Fungal biotin homeostasis is essential for immune evasion after macrophage phagocytosis and virulence. Cell Microbiol 22(7), e13197.
Graf K, Last A, Gratz R, Allert S, Linde S, Westermann M, Gröger M, Mosig AS, Gresnigt MS, Hube B (2019) Keeping Candida commensal: How lactobacilli antagonize pathogenicity of Candida albicans in an in vitro gut model. Dis Model Mech 12(9), dmm039719.
Allert S*, Förster TM*, Svensson C-M, Richardson JP, Pawlik T, Hebecker B, Rudolphi S, Juraschitz M, Schaller M, Blagojevic M, Morschhäuser J, Figge MT, Jacobsen ID, Naglik JR, Kasper L, Mogavero S, Hube B; *authors contributed equally (2018) Candida albicans-induced epithelial damage mediates translocation through intestinal barriers. mBio 9(3), e00915.
Loeffler I, Liebisch M, Allert S, Kunisch E, Kinne RW, Wolf G (2017) FSP1-specific SMAD2 knockout in renal tubular, endothelial, and interstitial cells reduces fibrosis and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in murine STZ-induced diabetic nephropathy. Cell Tissue Res 32(1), 115-133.
Ramírez-Zavala B, Mottola A, Haubenreißer J, Schneider S, Allert S, Brunke S, Ohlsen K, Hube B, Morschhäuser J (2017) The Snf1-activating kinase Sak1 is a key regulator of metabolic adaptation and in vivo fitness of Candida albicans. Mol Microbiol 104(6), 989-1007.
Allert S, Brunke S, Hube B (2016) In vivo transcriptional profiling of human pathogenic fungi during infection: reflecting the real life? PLOS Pathog 12(4), e1005471. (Review)
Kasper L, Seider K, Gerwien F, Allert S, Brunke S, Schwarzmüller T, Ames L, Zubiria-Barrera C, Mansour MK, Becken U, Barz D, Vyas JM, Reiling N, Haas A, Haynes K, Kuchler K, Hube B (2014) Identification of Candida glabrata genes involved in pH modulation and modification of the phagosomal environment in macrophages. PLOS One 9(5), e96015.
Seider K, Gerwien F, Kasper L, Allert S, Brunke S, Jablonowski N, Schwarzmüller T, Barz D, Rupp S, Kuchler K, Hube B (2014) Immune evasion, stress resistance, and efficient nutrient acquisition are crucial for intracellular survival of Candida glabrata within macrophages. Eukaryot Cell 13(1), 170-183.
Wilson D, Hebecker B, Moyes DL, Miramón P, Jablonowski N, Wisgott S, Allert S, Naglik JR, Hube B (2013) Clotrimazole dampens vaginal inflammation and neutrophil infiltration in response to Candida albicans infection. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57(10), 5178-5180.