Warum Mikroorganismen Naturstoffe produzieren.

Krespach MKC, Stroe MC, Brakhage AA (2020) Warum Mikroorganismen Naturstoffe produzieren. BIOspektrum 26, 731-733. (Review)


A key role in the communication between fungi and bacteria is played by natural products. Many of their encoding gene clusters are silent under standard laboratory conditions. Interspecies “talk” between microorganisms represents an ecological trigger to activate such silent gene clusters and leads to the formation of novel natural products by the involved species. The understanding of both the activation of silent gene clusters and the ecological function of the produced compounds is of importance to reveal functional microbial interactions required to shape microbiomes.


Axel A. Brakhage
Mario Krespach
Maria Stroe


doi: 10.1007/s12268-020-1483-2