Curriculum vitae

  • Quantitative Analyse von mikrobiellen Dynamiken in Organ-on-Chip Modelen
Wissenschaftlicher Werdegang
Since 2021 Doktorandin in Bioinformatik am Hans Knöll Institute
2021 M.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering – Bioelectric at Amirkabir University of Technology
2018 B.Sc. in Biomedical Engineering – Bioelectric at Amirkabir University of Technology


Abou-Kandil A*, Tröger-Görler S*, Pschibul A*, Krüger T, Rosin M, Schmidt F, Akbarimoghaddam P, Sarkar A, Cseresnyés Z, Shadkchan Y, Heinekamp T, Gräler MH, Barber AE, Walther G, Figge MT, Brakhage AA, Osherov N#, Kniemeyer O# (2024) The proteomic response of Aspergillus fumigatus to Amphotericin B (AmB) reveals the involvement of the RTA-like protein RtaA in AmB resistance. microLife 6, uqae024.
Kaden T*, Alonso-Roman R*, Akbarimoghaddam P*, Mosig AS, Graf K, Raasch M, Hoffmann B, Figge MT#, Hube B#, Gresnigt MS# (2024) Modeling of intravenous caspofungin administration using an intestine-on-chip reveals altered Candida albicans microcolonies and pathogenicity. Biomaterials 307, 122525.
Akbarimoghaddam P, Ziaei A, Azarnoush H (2022) Deep active contours using locally controlled distance vector flow. Signal, Image and Video Processing 16, 1773-1781.