NutriChem 2.0: exploring the effect of plant-based foods on human health and drug efficacy.

Ni Y, Jensen K, Kouskoumvekaki I**, Panagiotou G** (2017) NutriChem 2.0: exploring the effect of plant-based foods on human health and drug efficacy. Database (2017),

*equal contribution


NutriChem is a database generated by text mining of 21 million MEDLINE abstracts that links plant-based foods with their small molecule components and human health effect. In this new, second release of NutriChem (NutriChem 2.0) we have integrated information on overlapping protein targets between FDA-approved drugs and small compounds in plant-based foods, which may have implications on drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. NutriChem 2.0 contains predicted interactions between 428 drugs and 339 foods, supported by 107 jointly targeted proteins. Chemical bioactivity data were integrated, facilitating the comparison of activity concentrations between drugs and phytochemicals. In addition, we have added functionality that allows for user inspection of supporting evidence, the classification of food constituents based on KEGG “Phytochemical Compounds”, phytochemical structure output in SMILES and network output in both static figure and Cytoscape-compatible xgmml format. The current update of NutriChem moves one step further towards a more comprehensive assessment of dietary effects on human health and drug treatment.

Database URL:


Yueqiong (Bernard) Ni
Gianni Panagiotou


doi: 10.1093/database/bax044

PMID: 29220436