Dr. Derek J. Mattern



Bissell AU, Rautschek J, Hoefgen S, Raguž L, Mattern DJ, Saeed N, Janevska S, Jojić K, Huang Y, Kufs JE, Herboeck B, Guo H, Hillmann F, Beemelmanns C, Valiante V (2022) Biosynthesis of the sphingolipid inhibitors sphingofungins in filamentous fungi requires aminomalonate as a metabolic precursor. ACS Chem Biol 17(2), 386-394.
Krespach MKC, García-Altares M, Flak M, Schoeler H, Scherlach K, Netzker T, Schmalzl A, Mattern DJ, Schroeckh V, Komor AJ, Mittag M, Hertweck C, Brakhage AA (2020) Lichen-like association of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and Aspergillus nidulans protects algal cells from bacteria. ISME J 14(11), 2794-2805.
Arp J, Götze S, Mukherji R, Mattern DJ, Garcia-Altares M, Klapper M, Brock DA, Brakhage AA, Strassmann JE, Queller DC, Bardl B, Willing K, Peschel G, Stallforth P (2018) Synergistic activity of co-secreted natural products from amoebae-associated bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 115(15), 3758-3763.
Conrad T*, Kniemeyer O, Henkel SG, Krüger T, Mattern DJ, Valiante V, Guthke R, Jacobsen ID, Brakhage AA, Vlaic S, Linde J (2018) Module-detection approaches for the integration of multilevel omics data highlight the comprehensive response of Aspergillus fumigatus to caspofungin. BMC Syst Biol 12(1), 88.
Hoefgen S, Lin J, Fricke J, Stroe MC, Mattern DJ, Kufs JE, Hortschansky P, Brakhage AA, Hoffmeister D, Valiante V (2018) Facile assembly and fluorescence-based screening method for heterologous expression of biosynthetic pathways in fungi. Metab Eng 48, 44-51.
Manfiolli AO, de Castro PA, Dos Reis TF, Dolan S, Doyle S, Jones G, Riaño Pachón DM, Ulaş M, Noble LM, Mattern DJ, Brakhage AA, Valiante V, Silva-Rocha R, Bayram O, Goldman GH (2017) Aspergillus fumigatus protein phosphatase PpzA is involved in iron assimilation, secondary metabolite production, and virulence. Cell Microbiol 19(12),
Mattern DJ, Valiante V, Horn F, Petzke L, Brakhage AA (2017) Rewiring of the Austinoid Biosynthetic Pathway in Filamentous Fungi. ACS Chem Biol 12(12), 2927-2933.
Valiante V, Mattern DJ, Schüffler A, Horn F, Walther G, Scherlach K, Petzke L, Dickhaut J, Guthke R, Hertweck C, Nett M, Thines E, Brakhage AA (2017) Discovery of an Extended Austinoid Biosynthetic Pathway in Aspergillus calidoustus. ACS Chem Biol 12(5), 1227-1234.
Weber J, Valiante V, Nødvig CS, Mattern DJ, Slotkowski RA, Mortensen UH, Brakhage AA (2017) Functional Reconstitution of a Fungal Natural Product Gene Cluster by Advanced Genome Editing. ACS Synth Biol 6(1), 62-68.
Horn F, Linde J, Mattern DJ, Walther G, Guthke R, Scherlach K, Martin K, Brakhage AA, Petzke L, Valiante V (2016) Draft genome sequences of fungus Aspergillus calidoustus. Genome Announc 4(2), e00102-16.