Naim Al-Zaben



Al-Zaben N*, Medyukhina A*, Dietrich S, Marolda A, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT; *authors contributed equally (2019) Automated tracking of label-free cells with enhanced recognition of whole tracks. Sci Rep 9(1), 3317.
Hassan MIA*, Cseresnyes Z*, Al-Zaben N, Dahse HM, Vilela de Oliveira RJ, Walther G, Voigt K**, Figge MT**; *shared first authors; ** authors contributed equally (2019) The geographical region of origin determines the phagocytic vulnerability of Lichtheimia strains. Environ Microbiol 21(12), 4563-4581.
Svensson C-M, Medyukhina A, Belyaev I, Al-Zaben N, Figge MT (2018) Untangling cell tracks: Quantifying cell migration by time lapse image data analysis. Cytometry A 93(3), 357-370. (Review)