

Garbe E, Thielemann N, Hohner S, Kumar A, Vylkova S, Kurzai O, Martin R (2023) Functional analysis of the Candida albicans ECE1 Promoter. Microbiol Spectr 11(2), e0025323.
Böttcher B, Driesch D, Krüger T, Garbe E, Gerwien F, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Vylkova S (2022) Impaired amino acid uptake leads to global metabolic imbalance of Candida albicans biofilms. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes 8(1), 78.
Garbe E, Gerwien F, Driesch D, Müller T, Böttcher B, Gräler M, Vylkova S (2022) Systematic metabolic profiling identifies de novo sphingolipid synthesis as hypha associated and essential for Candida albicans filamentation. mSystems 7(6), e0053922.
Garbe E, Miramón P, Gerwien F, Ueberschaar N, Hansske-Braun L, Brandt P, Böttcher B, Lorenz M, Vylkova S (2022) GNP2 encodes a high-specificity proline permease in Candida albicans. mBio 13(1), e0314221.
Böttcher B, Hoffmann B, Garbe E, Weise T, Cseresnyés Z, Brandt P, Dietrich S, Driesch D, Figge MT, Vylkova S (2020) The transcription factor Stp2 is important for Candida albicans biofilm establishment and sustainability. Front Microbiol 11, 794.
Brandt P, Garbe E, Vylkova S (2020) Catch the wave: Metabolomic analyses in human pathogenic fungi. PLOS Pathog 16(8), e1008757. (Review)
Gerwien F, Dunker C, Brandt P, Garbe E, Jacobsen ID, Vylkova S (2020) Clinical Candida albicans vaginal isolates and a laboratory strain show divergent behaviors during macrophage interactions. mSphere 5(4), e00393-20.
Ruben S, Garbe E, Mogavero S, Albrecht-Eckardt D, Hellwig D, Häder A, Krüger T, Gerth K, Jacobsen ID, Elshafee O, Brunke S, Hünniger K, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Morschhäuser J, Hube B, Vylkova S, Kurzai O, Martin R (2020) Ahr1 and Tup1 contribute to the transcriptional control of virulence-associated genes in Candida albicans. mBio 11(2), e00206-20.
Garbe E, Vylkova S (2019) Role of amino acid metabolism in the virulence of human pathogenic fungi. Curr Clin Micro Rpt 6(9), 108-119. (Review)
Liponska A, Jamalli A, Kuras R, Suay L, Garbe E, Wollman FA, Laalami S, Putzer H (2018) Tracking the elusive 5' exonuclease activity of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii RNase J. Plant Mol Biol 96(6), 641-653.