
Montaño DE, Hartung S, Wich M, Ali R, Jungnickel B, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Voigt K (2022) The TLR-NF-kB axis contributes to the monocytic inflammatory response against a virulent strain of Lichtheimia corymbifera, a causative agent of invasive mucormycosis. Front Immunol 13, 882921.
Riabova O, Egorova A, Lepioshkin A, Li Y, Voigt K, Kloss F, Makarov V (2022) Thienol[2,3-d]pyrimidine-core compounds show activity against clinically relevant gram-positive bacteria. ChemMedChem 17(17), e202200207.
Böttcher S, Hartung S, Meyer F, Rummler S, Voigt K, Walther G, Hochhaus A, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Jahreis S (2021) Human mucosal-associated invariant T cells respond to Mucorales species in a MR1-dependent manner. Med Mycol 59(5), 505-509.
Bulatov T, Gensel S, Mainz A, Dang T, Koller T, Voigt K, Ebeling J, Wilson D, Genersch E, Süssmuth R (2021) Total synthesis and biological evaluation of paenilamicins from the honey bee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae. J Am Chem Soc 144(1), 288-296.
Hassan MIA, Keller M, Hillger M, Binder U, Reuter S, Herold K, Telagathoti A, Dahse HM, Wicht S, Trinks N, Nietzsche S, Deckert-Gaudig T, Deckert V, Mrowka R, Terpitz U, Saluz HP, Voigt K (2021) The impact of episporic modification of Lichtheimia corymbifera on virulence and interaction with phagocytes. Comput Struct Biotechnol J 19, 880-896.
Nguyen TTT, Voigt K, Santiago ALCMA, Kirk PM, Lee HB (2021) Discovery of novel Backusella (Backusellaceae, Mucorales) isolated from invertebrates and toads in Cheongyang, Korea. J Fungi (Basel) 7(7), 513.
Otgon O, Nadmid S, Paetz C, Dahse HM, Voigt K, Bartram S, Boland W, Dagvadorj E (2021) Chromane derivatives from underground parts of Iris tenuifolia and their in vitro antimicrobial, Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative evaluation. Molecules 26(21), 6705.
Stanford FA, Matthies N, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Hassan MIA, Voigt K (2021) Expression patterns in reductive iron assimilation and functional consequences during phagocytosis of Lichtheimia corymbifera, an emerging cause of mucormycosis. J Fungi (Basel) 7(4), 272.
Voigt K, James TY, Kirk PM, Santiago ALCMA, Waldman B, Griffith GW, Fu M, Radek R, Strassert JFH, Wurzbacher C, Jerônimo GH, Simmons DR, Seto K, Gentekaki E, Hurdeal VG, Hyde KD, Nguyen TTT, Lee HB (2021) Early-diverging fungal phyla: taxonomy, species concept, ecology, distribution, anthropogenic impact, and novel phylogenetic proposals. Fungal Divers 109(1), 59-98. (Review)
Yu Y, Wolf AK, Thusek S, Heinekamp T, Bromley M, Krappmann S, Terpitz U, Voigt K, Brakhage AA, Beilhack A (2021) Direct visualization of fungal burden in filamentous fungus-infected silkworms. J Fungi (Basel) 7(2), 136.