
Benny GL, Humber RA, Voigt K (2014) The zygomycetous Fungi: The phylum Entomophthoromycota and the subphyla Kickxellomycotina, Mortierellomycotina, Mucoromycotina, and Zoopagomycotina. In: McLaughlin DJ, Blackwell M, Spatafora JW (eds.) The Mycota Vol. VIIA: Systematics of fungi. 2nd edtion. pp. 209-250. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
de Hoog S, Ibrahim AS, Voigt K (2014) Zygomycetes: an emerging problem in the clinical laboratory. Mycoses 57(Suppl. 3), 1.
El-Shabrawi MH, Kamal NM, Kaerger K, Voigt K (2014) Diagnosis of gastrointestinal basidiobolomycosis: a mini-review. Mycoses 57(Suppl. 3), 138-143.
Kraibooj K*, Park HR*, Dahse HM, Skerka C, Voigt K⁺, Figge MT⁺ (2014) Virulent strain of Lichtheimia corymbifera shows increased phagocytosis by macrophages as revealed by automated microscopy image analysis. Mycoses 57(Suppl. 3), 56-66, */⁺authors contributed equally.
Linde J, Schwartze V, Binder U, Lass-Flörl C, Voigt K, Horn F (2014) De Novo Whole-Genome Sequence and Genome Annotation of Lichtheimia ramosa. Genome Announc 2(5), e00888-14.
Mendoza L, Vilela R, Voelz K, Ibrahim AS, Voigt K, Lee SC (2014) Human Fungal Pathogens of Mucorales and Entomophthorales. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 5(4), Chapter 27.
Park HP, Voigt K (2014) Interaction of Zygomycetes with innate immune cells reconsidered with respect to ecology, morphology, evolution and infection biology: a mini-review. Mycoses 57(Suppl. 3), 31-39.
Schoch CL, Robbertse B, Robert V, Vu D, Cardinali G, Irinyi L, Meyer W, Nilsson RH, Hughes K, Miller AN, Kirk PM, Abarenkov K, Aime MC, Ariyawansa HA, Bidartondo M, Boekhout T, Buyck B, Cai Q, Chen J, Crespo A, Crous PW, Damm U, De Beer ZW, Dentinger BT, Divakar PK, Dueñas M, Feau N, Fliegerova K, García MA, Ge ZW, Griffith GW, Groenewald JZ, Groenewald M, Grube M, Gryzenhout M, Gueidan C, Guo L, Hambleton S, Hamelin R, Hansen K, Hofstetter V, Hong SB, Houbraken J, Hyde KD, Inderbitzin P, Johnston PR, Karunarathna SC, Kõljalg U, Kovács GM, Kraichak E, Krizsan K, Kurtzman CP, Larsson KH, Leavitt S, Letcher PM, Liimatainen K, Liu JK, Lodge DJ, Luangsa-ard JJ, Lumbsch HT, Maharachchikumbura SS, Manamgoda D, Martín MP, Minnis AM, Moncalvo JM, Mulè G, Nakasone KK, Niskanen T, Olariaga I, Papp T, Petkovits T, Pino-Bodas R, Powell MJ, Raja HA, Redecker D, Sarmiento-Ramirez JM, Seifert KA, Shrestha B, Stenroos S, Stielow B, Suh SO, Tanaka K, Tedersoo L, Telleria MT, Udayanga D, Untereiner WA, Diéguez Uribeondo J, Subbarao KV, Vágvölgyi C, Visagie C, Voigt K, Walker DM, Weir BS, Weiß M, Wijayawardene NN, Wingfield MJ, Xu JP, Yang ZL, Zhang N, Zhuang WY, Federhen S (2014) Finding needles in haystacks: linking scientific names, reference specimens and molecular data for Fungi. Database (Oxford) , 1-21.
Schwartze VU, de A. Santiago ALCM, Jacobsen ID, Voigt K (2014) The pathogenic potential of the Lichtheimia genus revisited: Lichtheimia brasiliensis is a novel, non-pathogenic species. Mycoses 57(Suppl. 3), 128-131.
Schwartze VU, Winter S, Shelest E, Marcet-Houben M, Horn F, Wehner S, Linde J, Valiante V, Sammeth M, Riege K, Nowrousian M, Kaerger K, Jacobsen ID, Marz M, Brakhage AA, Gabaldón T, Böcker S, Voigt K (2014) Gene expansion shapes genome architecture in the human pathogen Lichtheimia corymbifera: an evolutionary genomics analysis in the ancient terrestrial Mucorales (Mucoromycotina). PLOS Genetics 10(8), e1004496.