Potential of microbiome-based solutions for agrifood systems.

Jurburg SD, Eisenhauer N, Buscot F, Chatzinotas A, Chaudhari NM, Heintz-Buschart A, Kallies R, Küsel K, Litchman E, Macdonald CA, Müller S, Reuben RC, Nunes da Rocha U, Panagiotou G, Rillig MC, Singh BK (2022) Potential of microbiome-based solutions for agrifood systems. Nature Food 3(8), 557-560. (Review)


Few microbiome-based solutions for agricultural productivity, food processing and human nutrition have been successfully commercialized. A systems-based approach that considers the ecology of microbial communities may help finetune extant tools to increase their reliability while promoting innovation and greater adoption.


Gianni Panagiotou


doi: 10.1038/s43016-022-00576-x

PMID: 37118595