Annica Pschibul



Abou-Kandil A*, Tröger-Görler S*, Pschibul A*, Krüger T, Rosin M, Schmidt F, Akbarimoghaddam P, Sarkar A, Cseresnyés Z, Shadkchan Y, Heinekamp T, Gräler MH, Barber AE, Walther G, Figge MT, Brakhage AA, Osherov N#, Kniemeyer O# (2024) The proteomic response of Aspergillus fumigatus to Amphotericin B (AmB) reveals the involvement of the RTA-like protein RtaA in AmB resistance. microLife 6, uqae024.
Pinzan CF, Valero C, de Castro PA, da Silva JL, Earle K, Liu H, Horta MAC, Kniemeyer O, Krüger T, Pschibul A, Cömert DN, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA, Steenwyk JL, Mead ME, Hermsdorf N, Filler SG, da Rosa-Garzon NG, Delbaje E, Bromley MJ, Cabral H, Diehl C, Angeli CB, Palmisano G, Ibrahim AS, Rinker DC, Sauters TJC, Steffen K, Gumilang A, Rokas A, Gago S, Dos Reis TF, Goldman GH (2024) Aspergillus fumigatus conidial surface-associated proteome reveals factors for fungal evasion and host immunity modulation. Nat Microbiol 9(10), 2710-2726.
Schruefer S, Pschibul A, Wong SSW, Sae-Ong T, Wolf T, Schäuble S, Panagiotou G, Brakhage AA, Aimanianda V, Kniemeyer O, Ebel F (2023) Distinct transcriptional responses to fludioxonil in Aspergillus fumigatus and its ΔtcsC and Δskn7 mutants reveal a crucial role for Skn7 in the cell wall reorganizations triggered by this antifungal. BMC Genomics 24(1), 684.
Strømland Ø, Kallio JP, Pschibul A, Skoge RH, Harðardóttir HM, Sverkeli LJ, Heinekamp T, Kniemeyer O, Migaud M, Makarov MV, Gossmann TI, Brakhage AA, Ziegler M (2021) Discovery of fungal surface NADases predominantly present in pathogenic species. Nat Commun 12(1), 1631.
Blango MG, Pschibul A, Rivieccio F, Krüger T, Rafiq M, Jia L, Zheng T, Goldmann M, Voltersen V, Li J, Panagiotou G, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA (2020) Dynamic surface proteomes of allergenic fungal conidia. J Proteome Res 19(5), 2092-2104.
Flak M, Krespach MKC, Pschibul A, Schroeckh V, Brakhage AA (2020) New avenues towards drug discovery in fungi. In: The Mycota 2, pp. 267-295. Springer, Cham. ISBN: 978-3-030-49923. (Review)