Dr. Zeinab Mokhtari Asl



Brandes S, Mokhtari Z, Essig F, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2015) Automated segmentation and tracking of non-rigid objects in time-lapse microscopy videos of polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Medical Image Analysis 20(1), 34-51.
Duggan S, Essig F, Hünniger K, Mokhtari Z, Bauer L, Lehnert T, Brandes S, Häder A, Jacobsen ID, Martin R, Figge MT, Kurzai O (2015) Neutrophil activation by Candida glabrata but not Candida albicans promotes fungal uptake by monocytes. Cell Microbiol 17(9), 1259-1276.
Medyukhina A, Timme S, Mokhtari Z, Figge MT (2015) Image-based Systems Biology of Infection. Cytometry A 87(6), 462-470.
Mokhtari Z*, Mech F*, Zehentmeier S, Hauser AE, Figge MT (2015) Quantitative image analysis of cell colocalization in murine bone marrow. Cytometry A 87(6), 503-512, *authors contributed equally.
Mokhtari Z, Mech F, Zitzmann C, Hasenberg M, Gunzer M, Figge MT (2013) Automated characterization and parameter-free classification of cell tracks based on local migration behavior. PLOS ONE 8(12), e80808.