Howell Leung



Csader S*, Chen X*, Leung H*, Männistö V, Pentikäinen H, Tauriainen MM, Savonen K, El-Nezami H, Schwab U#, Panagiotou G# (2023) Gut ecological networks reveal associations between bacteria, exercise and clinical profile in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease patients. mSystems 8(5), e0022423.
Leung H, Xiong L, Ni Y, Busch A, Bauer M, Press AT, Panagiotou G (2023) Impaired flux of bile acids from the liver to the gut reveals microbiome-immune interactions associated with liver damage. NPJ Biofilms and microbiomes 9(1), 35.
Ni Y*, Qian L*, Leal Siliceo S*, Long X*, Nychas E, Liu Y, Ismaiah MJ, Leung H, Zhang L, Gao Q, Wu Q, Zhang Y, Jia Xi, Liu S, Yuan R, Zhou L, Wang X, Li Q, Zhao Y, El-Nezami H, Xu A, Xu G#, Li H#, Panagiotou G#, Jia W# (2023) Resistant starch decreases intrahepatic triglycerides in NAFLD patients via gut microbiome alterations. Cell Metab 35(9), 1530-1547.
Leung H, Long X, Ni Y, Qian L, Nychas E, Siliceo SL, Pohl D, Hanhineva K, Liu Y, Xu A, Nielsen HB, Belda E, Clément K, Loomba R, Li H, Jia W, Panagiotou G (2022) Risk assessment with gut microbiome and metabolite markers in NAFLD development. Sci Transl Med 14(648), eabk0855.