Paul Rudolph



Valentine M*, Rudolph P*, Dietschmann A, Tsavou A, Mogavero S, Lee S, Priest EL, Zhurgenbayeva G, Jablonowski N, Timme S, Eggeling C, Allert S, Dolk E, Naglik JR, Figge MT, Gresnigt MS*#, Hube B*# (2024) Nanobody-mediated neutralization of candidalysin prevents epithelial damage and inflammatory responses that drive vulvovaginal candidiasis pathogenesis. mBio 15(3), e0340923.
Saffer C, Timme S, Rudolph P, Figge MT# (2023) Surrogate infection model predicts optimal alveolar macrophage number for clearance of Aspergillus fumigatus infections. NPJ Syst Biol Appl 9, 12.
Engels G, Forster J, Streng A, Rücker V, Rudolph P, Pietsch F, Wallstabe J, Wallstabe L, Krauthausen M, Schmidt J, Ludwig T, Bauer C, Gierszewski D, Bendig J, Timme S, Jans T, Weißbrich B, Romanos M, Dölken L, Heuschmann P, Härtel C, Gágyor I, Figge MT, Liese J, Kurzai O (2022) Acceptance of different self-sampling methods for semiweekly SARS-CoV-2 testing in asymptomatic children and childcare workers at German Day Care Centers: A nonrandomized controlled trial. JAMA Netw Open 5(9), e2231798.
Forster J, Streng A, Rudolph P, Rücker V, Wallstabe J, Timme S, Pietsch F, Hartmann K, Krauthausen M, Schmidt J, Ludwig T, Gierszewski D, Jans T, Engels G, Weißbrich B, Romanos M, Dölken L, Heuschmann P, Härtel C, Gágyor I, Figge MT, Kurzai O, Liese J (2022) Feasibility of SARS-CoV-2 surveillance testing among children and childcare workers at German Day Care Centers: A nonrandomized controlled trial. JAMA Netw Open 5(1), e2142057.