Dr. Sebastian Götze



Götze S, Herbst-Irmer R, Klapper M, Görls H, Schneider KRA, Barnett R, Burks T, Neu U, Stallforth P (2017) Structure, Biosynthesis, and Biological Activity of the Cyclic Lipopeptide Anikasin. ACS Chem Biol 12(10), 2498-2502.
Klapper M, Götze S, Barnett R, Willing K, Stallforth P (2016) Bacterial alkaloids prevent amoebal predation. Angew Chem Int Ed 55(31), 8944-8947.
Braesel J, Götze S, Shah F, Heine D, Tauber J, Hertweck C, Tunlid A, Stallforth P, Hoffmeister D (2015) Three redundant synthetases secure redox-active pigment production in the basidiomycete Paxillus involutus. Chem Biol 22, 1325-1334.