Nadine Reiher



Langenhorst D, Fürst AL, Alberter K, Vilhena C, Dasari P, Daud M, Heilig L, Luther CH, Dittrich M, Reiher N, Wich M, Elmowafy M, Jacobsen ID, Jungnickel B, Zipfel PF*, Beyersdorf N*# (2023) Soluble enolase 1 of Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus stimulates human and mouse B cells and monocytes. J Immunol 211(5), 804-815.
Luo S, Dasari P, Reiher N, Hartmann A, Jacksch S, Wende E, Barz D, Niemiec MJ, Jacobsen I, Beyersdorf N, Hünig T, Klos A, Skerka C, Zipfel PF (2018) The secreted Candida albicans protein Pra1 disrupts host defense by broadly targeting and blocking complement C3 and C3 activation fragments. Mol Immunol 93, 266-277.
Zipfel PF, Luo S, Dasari P, Reiher N, Jacobsen I, Beyersdorf N, Klos A, Serka C (2018) Reply to kang and brooks: Comment on the interpretation of binding of Pra1, the fungal immune evasion protein from Candida albicans to the human C3 and on the conformational changes of C3 upon activation: Kang and brooks optimization of biolayer-interfero. Mol Immunol 101, 638-639.