Marco Blickensdorf



Hoang TNM*, Cseresnyés Z*, Hartung S*, Blickensdorf M, Saffer C, Rennert K, Mosig AS, von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Figge MT (2022) Invasive aspergillosis-on-chip: A quantitative treatment study of human Aspergillus fumigatus infection. Biomaterials 283, 121420.
Blickensdorf M, Timme S, Figge MT (2020) Hybrid agent-based modeling of Aspergillus fumigatus infection to quantitatively investigate the role of Pores of Kohn in human alveoli. Front Microbiol 11, 1951.
Medyukhina A*, Blickensdorf M*, Cseresnyés Z, Ruef N, Stein JV, Figge MT; * authors contributed equally (2020) Dynamic spherical harmonics approach for shape classification of migrating cells. Sci Rep 10(1), 6072.
Blickensdorf M, Timme S, Figge MT (2019) Comparative assessment of aspergillosis by virtual infection modeling in murine and human lung. Front Immunol 10, 142.