Dr. Jeannette Schmaler-Ripcke



Keller S, Macheleidt J, Scherlach K, Schmaler-Ripcke J, Jacobsen ID, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA (2011) Pyomelanin formation in Aspergillus fumigatus requires HmgX and the transcriptional activator HmgR but is dispensable for virulence. PLOS One 6(10), e26604.
Thywißen A, Heinekamp T, Dahse HM, Schmaler-Ripcke J, Nietzsche S, Zipfel PF, Brakhage AA (2011) Conidial dihydroxynaphthalene melanin of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus interferes with the host endocytosis pathway. Front Microbiol / Fungi and their interactions 2, 96.
Schmaler-Ripcke J, Sugareva V, Gebhardt P, Winkler R, Kniemeyer O, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA (2009) Production of pyomelanin, a second type of melanin, via the tyrosine degradation pathway in Aspergillus fumigatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 75(2), 493-503.