Widespread inter- and intra-Ddmain horizontal gene transfer of d-amino acid metabolism enzymes in eukaryotes.
Front Microbiol 7,

Dr. Sascha Brunke
Mikrobielle Pathogenitätsmechanismen · Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter +49 3641 532-1222 sascha.brunke@leibniz-hki.dePublikationen
Csr1/Zap1 maintains zinc homeostasis and influences virulence in Candida dubliniensis but is not coupled to morphogenesis.
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Of mice, flies - and men? Comparing fungal infection models for large-scale screening efforts.
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Metal ions in host microbe interactions: The microbe perspective.
In: Nriagu JO, Skaar EP (eds.) Trace Metals and Infectious Diseases. The MIT Press. Strüngmann Forum Reports.
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Antifungal activity of clotrimazole against Candida albicans depends on carbon sources, growth phase, and morphology.
J Med Microbiol 64,
Adaptive prediction as a strategy in microbial infections.
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One small step for a yeast - Microevolution within macrophages renders Candida glabrata hypervirulent due to a single point mutation.
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Histidine degradation via an aminotransferase increases the nutritional flexibility of Candida glabrata.
Eukaryot Cell 13(6),
Metabolism in Fungal Pathogenesis.
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Fine-scale chromosomal changes in fungal fitness.
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