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Kasper L, Miramón P, Jablonowski N, Wisgott S, Wilson D, Brunke S, Hube B (2015) Antifungal activity of clotrimazole against Candida albicans depends on carbon sources, growth phase, and morphology. J Med Microbiol 64, 714-723.
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Brunke S, Seider K, Fischer D, Jacobsen ID, Kasper L, Jablonowski N, Wartenberg A, Bader O, Enache-Angoulvant A, Schaller M, d’Enfert C, Hube B (2014) One small step for a yeast - Microevolution within macrophages renders Candida glabrata hypervirulent due to a single point mutation. PLOS Pathog 10(10), e1004478.
Brunke S, Seider K, Richter ME, Bremer-Streck S, Ramachandra S, Kiehntopf M, Brock M, Hube B (2014) Histidine degradation via an aminotransferase increases the nutritional flexibility of Candida glabrata. Eukaryot Cell 13(6), 758-765.
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