Precursor-directed biosynthesis of micacocidin derivatives with activity against Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Kreutzer MF, Kage H, Herrmann J, Pauly J, Hermenau R, Müller R, Hoffmeister D, Nett M (2014) Precursor-directed biosynthesis of micacocidin derivatives with activity against Mycoplasma pneumoniae. Org Biomol Chem 12, 113-118.


Micacocidin is a promising natural product for the treatment of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections. In the biosynthesis of this antibiotic, a fatty acid-AMP ligase (FAAL) activates the starter unit hexanoic acid as acyl-adenylate and forwards it to an iteratively acting polyketide synthase. Biochemical analysis of the FAAL revealed an extended substrate tolerance, thereby opening the door for the modification of a micacocidin residue that is barely accessible via semisynthesis. A total of six new analogues were generated by precursor-directed biosynthesis in this study and profiled against M. pneumoniae.


doi: 10.1039/c3ob41839a

PMID: 24202877