A crossover randomized comparative study of zofenopril and ramipril on cough reflex and airway inflammation in healthy volunteers.

Lavorini F, Chellini E, Innocenti M, Campi G, Egan CG, Mogavero S, Fontana GA (2014) A crossover randomized comparative study of zofenopril and ramipril on cough reflex and airway inflammation in healthy volunteers. Cough 10(1), 7.


Persistent dry cough is a well known unwanted effect of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i). Animal studies have shown that the ACE-i zofenopril has a less tussigenic effect compared to the widely used ACE-i ramipril. The aim of this study was to compare cough sensitivity to inhaled tussigens, as well as spontaneous cough in response to the administration of zofenopril and ramipril in healthy volunteers; pharmacokinetic (PK) data of both zofenopril and ramipril, as well as their respective active forms, zofenoprilat and ramiprilat, was also collected.


Selene Mogavero


doi: 10.1186/s12997-014-0007-5

PMID: 25632296