Wissenschaftlicher Kongress

Life meets Light - The 2. Scientific Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus InfectoOptics



Hörsaal Koch und Pasteur

An infection is a dynamic and complex process, which varies greatly depending on the respective microorganism. Infection research therefore needs the appropriate technologies to elucidate the kinetics of an infectious process, to identify and characterise the players and their interactions as well as to develop means and devices for fast and precise diagnosis. Scientists from many different fields need to combine their expertises to develop such technologies.

Life meets Light aims to bring scientists from the different fields together in order to establish the essential connections between biologists, physicists and biotechnologists.

Researchers from all fields are invited to communicate their results at the interface between optics/photonics and infection biology in order to exchange novel scientific methods and to share recent achievements from optical research in infection biology.

Registration and Abstract submission: here