Lunch & Learn

Automated Extraction of Bacterial DNA and Quantification by Real-time PCR

Analytik Jena



Hörsaal Robert Koch

Analytik Jena will stop by the Leibniz-HKI in Jena with an exclusive seminar on nucleic acid extraction and quantification.

We will present solutions that best suit your needs for efficient automated nucleic acid extractions of bacterial DNA and reliable quantifications by real-time PCR. In hands-on workshops, we will show you how to quickly and efficiently purify bacterial DNA with high sample throughput, and subsequently detect and quantify target genes using real-time PCR. While gaining first-hand experience with Analytik Jena equipment, you can also look forward to an inspiring exchange and exciting discussions with our experts.

After the event, you will receive a certificate of attendance. Free snacks will be available during the lunch break.

Register directly free of charge:
via email at
or by phone: +49 3641 77 7444