Februar 2020

Die Integration von Multiskalen- und Multi-Omik-Daten zur Erforschung von Wirt-Pathogenen-lnteraktionen am Beispiel von pathogenen Pilzen

Theresia Conrad (Systembiologie und Bioinformatik, Leibniz-HKI)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FungiNet Colloquium
FungiNet internal lecture

Projekt C5 Influence of gut microbiota on Candida albicans colonization, host immune response and candidiasis
Ilse Jacobsen, Leibniz-HKI;…

| Hörsaal Robert Koch, Leibniz-HKI

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Klassische und moderne Aldolreaktionen

Dr. Pierre Stallforth (Paläobiotechnologie, Leibniz-HKI)

| Hörsaal IAAC, Humboldtstr. 8

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Chemisches Kolloquium
Physical Organic Principles in Catalysis and Biomedicine

Prof. Dr. Ryan Gilmour (Universität Münster)

| Hörsaal IAAC, Humboldtstr. 8

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Antibiotics from the Sea

Prof. Dr. Christian Jogler (Mikrobielle Interaktionen, FSU Jena)

| Café Wagner

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Challenge sample preparation: Technologies and trends in nucleic acid extraction

Nancy Jahn (Analytik Jena)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FEBS Practical Course
State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections

More information: https://humanfungalinfectionmodels2020.febsevents.org/…

| Leibniz-Institut für Naturstoff-Forschung und Infektionsbiologie - Hans-Knöll-Institut

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FEBS advanced practical course: State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections
Genome evolution and epidemiology of fungal pathogens that infect humans and wildlife

Rhys Farrer (Imperial College London, UK)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FEBS advanced practical course: State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections
Impact of fungal adaptation upon host-fungus interactions

Alistair Brown (Aberdeen Fungal Group, UK)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FEBS advanced practical course: State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections
Aspergillus fumigatus - an accidental lung pathogen

Elaine Bignell (University of Manchester, UK)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FEBS advanced practical course: State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections
Approaches to unravel mechanisms of pathogenesis and of immune regulation in opportunistic fungal infections

Constantin Urban (Umeå University, Sweden)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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FEBS advanced practical course: State-of-the-art alternative infection models to study molecular mechanisms of human fungal infections
Immunity and tolerance during fungal infections

Teresa Zelante (University of Perugia, Italy)

| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

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Science & Society
Lernen, Erinnern, Vergessen – Wie zuverlässig ist unser Gehirn?

Prof. Dr. Eckart Gundelfinger (Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie (LIN), Magdeburg)

| Abbe-Zentrum Beutenberg

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The immediate early immune response of immune cells to Candida albicans

Luke Donald Halder (Infektionsbiologie, Leibniz-HKI)

| Hörsaal Philosophenweg 14

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