Februar 2022

FungiNet internal lecture

Project B4
Image data analysis and agent-based modeling of the spatio-temporal interaction between immune cells and human-pathogenic fungi Projec…

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Wissenschaftliches Symposium
Frontiers in Host-Microbiota Interactions

This meeting will update current knowledge of how various microbiomes communicate with the host, the factors that influence these interactions and dis…

| Berlin, Germany

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Virtual Infection Modeling for Aspergillus fumigatus in Human and Murine Alveoli

Marco Blickensdorf (Angewandte Systembiologie, Leibniz-HKI)

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Friends, Foes, and Phages in the Phyllosphere

The plant phyllosphere is increasingly recognized as a central component of plant health, including as a result of its role in shaping disease suscept…

Britt Koskella (University of California, Berkeley USA)

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490. JENAerOptikkolloquium
Meilensteine der hochauflösenden Weitfeldmikroskopie aus Jena um 1900

Heute gelingt es, die Auflösungsgrenze der Lichtmikroskopie durch scannende Verfahren zur Beantwortung dedizierter Fragestellungen der L…

Timo Mappes (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Deutsches Optisches Museum)

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Science & Society
Psychische Gesundheit im Alter – Gute und schlechte Nachrichten

REGISTRIERUNG https://zoom.us/j/94108486852?pwd=VXhFSjJCT25qTEFxVi9QWitjM1k5dz09 Meeting ID: 941 0848 6852 Im Anschluss an die Registrierung erhal…

Eva-Marie Kessler (MSB Medical School Berlin)

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Jena RNA Club

The next #JenaRNAClub will be Feb 25th at 12:30 featuring the group of Holger Bierhoff. This time we get treated with a PI/trainee tag team talk on nc…

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