August 2024

| Online

SPAAM Summer School
Introduction to Ancient Metagenomics

The SPAAM Community in collaboration with Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena and Harvard University is happy to again offering a new 5 day virtual su…

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| Hörsaal Louis Pasteur, Leibniz-HKI

Leibniz-HKI Kolloquium
Setting up the endolysosomal firewall - endolysosomal ion channels, lipid transporters, modulators, and their druggable space

Ursula Rescher (Zelluläre Biochemie, Universität Münster)

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| Online

Doctoral disputation
The Gut Microbiome in NAFLD: Advancing Diagnosis, Understanding Pathogenesis, and Developing Novel Therapies

Howell Leung (Microbiome Dynamcis, Leibniz-HKI)

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Doctoral disputation
Acquisition of host fatty acids in Staphylococcus aureus infections and persistence

Vandana Arakandy (Universitätsklinikum Jena)

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