- Central email address for all matters relating to personnel and employment contracts: hr@leibniz-hki.de.
- Central email address for for reporting incapacity for work (sick notes): sickness@leibniz-hki.de.
- Central email address for all enquiries about business trips: businesstrip@leibniz-hki.de.
Efficient administration in the service of science
The administration of the Leibniz-HKI sees itself as a service provider with fast and uncomplicated communication channels that enable comprehensive and adequate support in all administrative matters.
As a team, we strive to work consistently in a service- and process-oriented manner since we understand this attitude as the key to high quality, efficiency and pace in our administrative processes.
Human Resources
Project Management
- Central email address for all enquiries about third party funded projects: projektmanagement@leibniz-hki.de.
- Please send your invoices to the following address: rechnung@leibniz-hki.de.
- Central email address for all other questions on financial matters: buchhaltung@leibniz-hki.de.
- Central email address for all enquiries relating to invetory: anlagenbuchhaltung@leibniz-hki.de.
Construction and facility management
- Central email address for all enquiries regarding construction and facility management and technical services: