
Austermeier S, Kasper L, Westman J, Gresnigt MS (2020) I want to break free - macrophage strategies to recognize and kill Candida albicans, and fungal counter-strategies to escape. Curr Opin Microbiol 58, 15-23. (Review)
de Graaf DM, Maas RJA, Smeekens SP, Eisenmesser E, Redzic JS, Helsen MM, Powers NE, Li S, Kalabokis V, Gresnigt MS, Joosten LAB, Dinarello CA, van de Veerdonk FL (2020) Human recombinant interleukin-38 suppresses inflammation in mouse models of local and systemic disease. Cytokine 137, 155334.
Kumamoto CA, Gresnigt MS, Hube B (2020) The gut, the bad and the harmless: Candida Albicans as a commensal and opportunistic pathogen in the intestine. Curr Opin Microbiol 56, 7-15. (Review)