Open call
Special issue on Image-based Systems Biology in Cytometry, Part A
Invitation to contribute to the second special issue on
Image-based Systems Biology in Cytometry, Part A
On behalf of Editor-in-chief, Dr. Attila Tárnok, we would like to invite you to submit a manuscript for a second Special Issue of Cytometry, Part A, focused on Image-based Systems Biology.
The general experience that “a picture is worth a thousand words” also holds in the field of systems biology: Image-based Systems Biology is a modern approach that aims to extract spatio-temporal information contained in images in a form that it can be used to model morphological, functional and dynamical aspects of biological processes. In many cases, the vast amount of microscopic image data that is nowadays routinely generated is only used for a qualitative illustration of some biological process under consideration. In contrast, Image-based Systems Biology seeks to take full advantage of the information in images and establishes an essential connective link between experimental and theoretical examination of biological processes at a quantitative level. This approach includes:
(i) Acquisition and automated processing of image data for high-content and high-throughput screening,
(ii) Quantitative description of biological processes by appropriate characteristic measures,
(iii) Construction of image-derived spatiotemporal models and predictive computer simulations.
In this Special Issue, researchers are invited to contribute articles focused on Image-based Systems Biology in order to exchange novel scientific methods and to share recent achievements from image-driven research in biology. Joint studies of experiment and theory will be highly welcomed.
Submissions are welcomed from now on until March 1, 2017 with a publication date in early 2018.
We welcome contributions in the form of Research Articles and Reviews. All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed following normal practices of Cytometry Part A and if accepted, they will be published on the journal website immediately following the typesetting process. The Special Issue will be limited to 10-15 papers. Additional manuscripts will be considered for publication in a regular issue of the Journal.
It would be appreciated if authors who are considering a submission could communicate the title and type of the envisaged article to the Guest Editors, Dr. Marc Thilo Figge and Dr. Robert Murphy. This is not required but is helpful for planning purposes.
For more information on Cytometry, Part A with regard to author guidelines and publication charges, please, refer to the journal website. When ready, please submit your manuscript directly at Cytometry, Part A manuscript submission site. Please state in your cover letter that the submission is intended for this Special Issue.
Prof. Dr. Marc Thilo Figge
Applied Systems Biology,
HKI-Center for Systems Biology of Infection,
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology,
Hans Knöll Institute (HKI) and
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Prof. Dr. Robert F. Murphy
Computational Biology Department,
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
and Faculty of Biology, Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg, Germany