Dr. Daniel H. Scharf



Scharf DH, Chankhamjon P, Scherlach K, Dworschak J, Heinekamp T, Roth M, Brakhage AA, Hertweck C (2021) N-heterocyclization in gliotoxin biosynthesis is catalyzed by a distinct cytochrome P450 monooxygenase. Chembiochem 22(2), 336-339.
Scherlach K, Kuttenlochner W, Scharf DH, Brakhage AA, Hertweck C, Groll M, Huber EM (2021) Structural and mechanistic insights into C-S bond formation in gliotoxin. Angew Chem Int Ed 60(25), 14188-14194.
Scharf DH, Dworschak JD, Chankhamjon P, Scherlach K, Heinekamp T, Brakhage AA, Hertweck C (2018) Reconstitution of enzymatic carbon-sulfur bond formation reveals detoxification-like strategy in fungal toxin biosynthesis. ACS Chem Biol 13(9), 2508-2512.
Dunbar KL, Scharf DH, Litomska A, Hertweck C (2017) Enzymatic Carbon-Sulfur Bond Formation in Natural Product Biosynthesis. Chem Rev 117(8), 5521-5577. (Review)
Johns A†, Scharf DH†, Gsaller F, Schmidt H, Heinekamp T, Straßburger M, Oliver JD, Birch M, Beckmann N, Dobb KS, Gilsenan J, Rash B, Bignell E, Brakhage AA*, Bromley MJ* †shared first authors, *corresponding authors (2017) A nonredundant phosphopantetheinyl transferase, PptA, is a novel antifungal target that directs secondary metabolite, siderophore, and lysine biosynthesis in Aspergillus fumigatus and is critical for pathogenicity. MBio 8(4), e01504-e01516.
Marion A, Groll M, Scharf DH, Scherlach K, Glaser M, Sievers H, Schuster M, Hertweck C, Brakhage AA, Antes I, Huber EM (2017) Gliotoxin Biosynthesis: Structure, Mechanism, and Metal Promiscuity of Carboxypeptidase GliJ. ACS Chem Biol 12(7), 1874-1882.
Scharf DH, Brakhage AA, Mukherjee PK (2016) Gliotoxin- bane or boon? Environ Microbiol 18(4), 1096-1109. (Review)
Horn F, Habel A, Scharf DH, Dworschak J, Brakhage AA, Guthke R, Hertweck C, Linde J (2015) Draft Genome Sequence and Gene Annotation of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Verticillium hemipterigenum. Genome Announc 3(1), e01439-14.
Kalb D, Heinekamp T, Lackner G, Scharf DH, Dahse HM, Brakhage AA, Hoffmeister D (2015) Genetic engineering activates biosynthesis of aromatic fumaric acid amides in the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Appl Environ Microbiol 81, 1594-1600.
Bacher P, Kniemeyer O, Teutschbein T, Thoen M, Vödisch M, Wartenberg D, Scharf DH, Koester-Eiserfunke N, Schütte M, Dübel S, Assenmacher M, Brakhage AA, Scheffold A (2014) Identification of immunogenic antigens from Aspergillus fumigatus by direct multi-parameter characterization of specific conventional and regulatory CD4+ T cells. Journal of Immunology 197(7), 3332-3343.