Katherine Gonzalez Rojas

Dr. Katherine Gonzalez Rojas

Molecular and Applied Microbiology

On parental leave

+49 3641 532-1731 katherine.gonzalez@leibniz-hki.de


Jia LJ#, González K*, Orasch T*, Schmidt F*, Brakhage AA# (2024) Manipulation of host phagocytosis by fungal pathogens and therapeutic opportunities. Nat Microbiol 9(9), 2216-2231. (Review)
González K*, Gangapurwala G*, Alex J*, Vollrath A, Cseresnyés Z, Weber C, Czaplewska JA, Hoeppener S, Svensson CM, Orasch T, Heinekamp T, Guerrero-Sánchez C, Figge MT, Schubert US, Brakhage AA (2023) Targeting of phagolysosomes containing conidia of the human pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus with polymeric particles. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol 107(2-3), 819-834.
Orasch T*, Gangapurwala G*, Vollrath A, González K, Alex J, De San Luis A, Weber C, Hoeppener S, Cseresnyés Z, Figge MT, Guerrero-Sanchez C, Schubert US#, Brakhage AA# (2023) Polymer-based particles against pathogenic fungi: A non-uptake delivery of compounds. Biomater Adv 146, 213300.
Rafiq M, Rivieccio F, Zimmermann AK, Visser C, Bruch A, Krüger T, González Rojas K, Kniemeyer O, Blango MG, Brakhage AA (2022) PLB-985 neutrophil-like cells as a model to study Aspergillus fumigatus pathogenesis. mSphere 7(1), e0094021.
Alex J, Gonzalez K, Kindel T, Bellstedt P, Weber C, Heinekamp T, Orasch T, Guerrero-Sanchez C, Schubert US, Brakhage AA (2020) Caspofungin functionalized polymethacrylates with antifungal properties. Biomacromolecules 21(6), 2104-2115.