Community-acquired respiratory viruses in oncology: Lessons to be learnt from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.
Oncol Res Treat 43(6),

Marie von Lilienfeld-Toal
National Reference Center for Invasive Fungal Infections Infections in Hematology/Oncology +49 3641 532-1720 marie.lilienfeld-toal@leibniz-hki.deCurriculum vitae
Main Research Areas
- Tumour and infection immunology
- Epidemiology of infections of von Infektionen immunosuppressed patients
- Clinical diagnostic and therapeutical studies
Professional Career
2014 | Deputy head of the Nationales Referenzzentrum für invasive Pilzinfektionen |
2013 | W2-professorship in infection research in haematology and oncology, medical faculty, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena |
2010 | Habilitation in internal medicine, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn |
2008-2013 | Senior physician in the dept. haematology / oncology (med. clinic III), University Hospital, Bonn |
2007-2008 | EBMT Fellowship Bone Marrow Transplantation Programme, Leeds, UK |
2007 | Acceptance of the priority area haematology / oncology |
2006 | Specialist in internal diseases |
2003-2004 | Gerok fellowship within the BonFor funding programme, medical faculty Bonn |
1999-2007 | Doctor in practical training (AiP) /assistant physician in internal medicine, University Hospital Bonn |
1999 | PhD in clinical pharmacology, „magna cum laude“, medical faculty, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn |
1998 | Staatsexamen (state examination) human medicine |
Awards · Appointments · Scientific Activities
Since 2013 | Member of the ethics commission, medical faculty of the FSU Jena |
Since 2013 | Board member of the working group dealing with infections in haematology and oncology (AGIHO) of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hämatologie und internistische Onkologie (DGHO) |
Since 2008 | Member of the AGIHO |
2008-2010 | Assistant lecturer at the medical clinic III of the University Hospital Bonn |
2002-2006 | Member of the statutes commission of the medical faculty of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms University Bonn |
2009 | Best abstract DGHO |
2008 | Poster award |
Since 2004 | Assessor of several magazines |
Frequently asked questions regarding SARS-CoV-2 in cancer patients-recommendations for clinicians caring for patients with malignant diseases.
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