Structural investigation of the lipopolysaccharide O-chain isolated from Burkholderia fungorum strain DSM 17061.

De Felice A, Di Lorenzo F, Scherlach K, Ross C, Silipo A, Hertweck C, Molinaro A (2016) Structural investigation of the lipopolysaccharide O-chain isolated from Burkholderia fungorum strain DSM 17061. Carbohydr Res 433, 31-35.


Gram-negative bacteria exhibit lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) on their outer membrane surface. LPS is considered one of the most potent bacterial virulence factors. Here we report the elucidation of the LPS O-chain structure isolated from Burkholderia fungorum, a bacterium isolated from the white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium that can act as a pathogen for plants and domesticated animals. The structure was determined by the employment of detailed chemical and NMR spectroscopy analyses as the following.


Christian Hertweck
Kirstin Scherlach


doi: S0008-6215(16)30239-7

PMID: 27434832