Deazaflavin metabolite produced by endosymbiotic bacteria controls fungal host reproduction.
ISME J 18(1),

M.Sc. Mahmudul Hasan
Synthetic Microbiology · Doctoral researcher +49 3641 532-1384 mahmudul.hasan@uni-jena.dePublications
Diversification by CofC and control by CofD govern biosynthesis and evolution of coenzyme F420 and its derivative 3PG-F420.
mBio 13(1),
High-yield production of coenzyme F420 in Escherichia coli by fluorescence-based screening of multi-dimensional gene expression space.
Metab Eng 73,
Biosynthesis of the redox coenzyme F420 in Thermomicrobia involves reduction by standalone nitroreductase superfamily enzymes.
Appl Environ Microbiol 86(12),
Metabolic pathway rerouting in Paraburkholderia rhizoxinica evolved long-overlooked derivatives of coenzyme F420.
ACS Chem Biol 14(9),