Jahreskongress Biotechnologie 2020+

From biofactories to cell-free systems: Novel ways of BioProcess design

Date and time


Lecture hall Koch and Pasteur, HKI

We cordially invite you to the annual congress Biotechnology 2020+. The strategy process Biotechnology 2020+ initiated by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research aims at the development and implementation of novel biotechnological processes for the sustainable use of raw materials. The goal is the advancement of Germany as an internationally competitive location for biotechnology research and industry. In 2016 the annual congress is organized by the Leibniz Association under the headline “From biofactories to cell-free systems: Novel ways of BioProcess design”. Topics include

  • Applied molecular biology
  • Advances in microscale systems
  • Advances in material concepts
  • Cell free biosynthesis

It is our pleasure to announce that numerous top level scientists have agreed to give keynote lectures on the above mentioned topics. In a series of short lectures, scientists involved in the strategy process as well as researchers from other research institutions and industry are invited to present their latest results and developments. A panel discussion in German entitled “Biotechnologie 2.0 – Brauchen wir noch Zellen?” on the evening of October 11 is open to the public.

We would be delighted to welcome you at the annual congress and we cordially invite you to participate in this exciting meeting with an oral or poster presentation! Participation is free of charge but registration is required.

Online registration and abstract submission