Scientific Conference

Life meets Light - First Scientific Conference of the Leibniz ScienceCampus InfectoOptics

Date and time


Lecture hall Koch/Pasteur

Science needs exchange and interdisciplinary research needs communication and appropriate networks. The Leibniz ScienceCampus (LSC) InfectoOptics investigates interdisciplinary topics highly relevant for societal life. The First Scientific Conference Life meets Light provides a platform for young physicists and microbiologists in Jena, who aim to make contacts and discuss novel approaches and techniques. The four current core projects present their latest results. Moreover, five newly integrated projects financially supported by the Federal State of Thuringia introduce their research rationale as a step towards the final application round within the DFG funding line Excellence cluster. Join this exciting meeting and take part in forming the profile of science in Jena.

The LSC InfectoOptics is funded by the Leibniz Association.

More information, programme and registration: