Cytometry “Life in Focus“

Date and time


Carl-Zeiß-Str. 3, Friedrich Schiller University

The Annual Conference of the German Society for Cytometry provides a platform for interdisciplinary exchange in basic research, clinical and industrial developments. Aim of the conference is the promotion of methodological and technical innovation in flow cytometry (FCM), image cytometry (ICM) and slide based cytometry (SBC) which furthers understanding of the cell and its integration into multi-cellular systems. The conference facilitates the communication between physicists, chemists, engineers, biologists, biomedical specialists and industry representatives and sparks new
impulses for the participants own research. At the same time it is building bridges for the implementation and  commercialization of new diagnostic and biomedical approaches.

The yearly meeting of the society is characterised by a friendly and warm atmosphere, which gives upcoming graduate students and postdocs the opportunity to present their research in a both stimulating and relaxed surrounding. This is accompanied by good lectures at an affordable meeting price, and an exciting evening social event.