
Jena RNA Club

Date and time



The first scientific gathering of the Jena RNA Club will be held January 28th at 12:30 PM, virtually (~1 hour).
Prof. Manja Marz and her team at Friedrich Schiller University Jena will tell us a bit about their exciting work in RNA Bioinformatics (

Research into RNA comes in many fashions, from biochemical and molecular biological analyses to computational and chemical approaches. We strongly believe that bringing these different approaches together in a common community can only strengthen our ability to investigate this important macromolecule. The Jena RNA Club is a community-focused research series where each meeting highlights the work from one local lab (featuring both a senior researcher/PI and a more junior member of the team). The focus is on accessibility, discussion, and collaboration, rather than perfectly polished stories. If you are interested in learning more about RNA in any form, we hope you will join us and strengthen our community.

If you have any questions or want to get added to our mailing list, please contact or