Candida auris: Epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in European Union and European economic area countries, 2013 to 2017.

Kohlenberg A, Struelens MJ, Monnet DL, Plachouras D, The Candida Auris Survey Collaborative Group (2018) Candida auris: Epidemiological situation, laboratory capacity and preparedness in European Union and European economic area countries, 2013 to 2017. Euro Surveill 23(13), 18-00136.


During 2013-2017, 620 cases of Candida auris were reported in the European Union/European Economic Area - 466 (75.2%) colonisations, 110 (17.7%) bloodstream infections, 40 (6.5%) other infections and four cases (0.6%) of unknown colonisation/infection status - the majority from four large outbreaks. Survey results showed that several countries lacked laboratory capacity and/or information on the occurrence of cases at national level. To prevent further spread, adequate laboratory capacity and infection control preparedness is required in Europe.


Oliver Kurzai


doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2018.23.13.18-00136

PMID: 29616608