Kerstin Hünniger

Dr. Kerstin Hünniger

Fungal Septomics +49 3641 532-1362


Marolda A, Hünniger K, Böttcher S, Vivas W, Löffler J, Figge MT, Kurzai O (2020) Candida species-dependent release of IL-12 by dendritic cells induces different levels of NK cell stimulation. J Infect Dis 221(12), 2060-2071.
Ruben S, Garbe E, Mogavero S, Albrecht-Eckardt D, Hellwig D, Häder A, Krüger T, Gerth K, Jacobsen ID, Elshafee O, Brunke S, Hünniger K, Kniemeyer O, Brakhage AA, Morschhäuser J, Hube B, Vylkova S, Kurzai O, Martin R (2020) Ahr1 and Tup1 contribute to the transcriptional control of virulence-associated genes in Candida albicans. mBio 11(2), e00206-20.
Weiss E, Schlegel J, Terpitz U, Weber M, Linde J, Schmitt AL, Hünniger K, Marischen L, Gamon F, Bauer J, Löffler C, Kurzai O, Morton CO, Sauer M, Einsele H, Loeffler J (2020) Reconstituting NK cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation show impaired response to the fungal pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus. Front Immunol 11, 2117.
Al-Zaben N*, Medyukhina A*, Dietrich S, Marolda A, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Figge MT; *authors contributed equally (2019) Automated tracking of label-free cells with enhanced recognition of whole tracks. Sci Rep 9(1), 3317.
Vivas W, Leonhardt I, Hünniger K, Häder A, Marolda A, Kurzai O (2019) Multiple signaling pathways involved in human dendritic cell maturation are affected by the fungal quorum-sensing molecule farnesol. J Immunol 203(11), 2959-2969.
Zoran T, Weber M, Springer J, White PL, Bauer J, Schober A, Löffler C, Seelbinder B, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Scherag A, Schäuble S, Morton CO, Einsele H, Linde J, Löffler J (2019) Treatment with etanercept and low monocyte concentration contribute to the risk of invasive aspergillosis in patients post allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Sci Rep 9(1), 17231.
Hünniger K, Kurzai O (2018) Phagocytes as central players in the defence against invasive fungal infection. Semin Cell Dev Biol 89, 3-15. (Review)
Morton CO, Wurster S, Fliesser M, Ebel F, Page L, Hünniger K, Kurzai O, Schmitt AL, Michel D, Springer J, Einsele H, Loeffler J (2018) Validation of a simplified in vitro Transwell® model of the alveolar surface to assess host immunity induced by different morphotypes of Aspergillus fumigatus. Int J Med Microbiol 308(8), 1009-1017.
Prauße MTE, Lehnert T, Timme S, Hünniger K, Leonhardt I, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2018) Predictive virtual infection modeling of fungal immune evasion in human whole blood. Front Immunol 9, 560.
Timme S, Lehnert T, Prauße MTE, Hünniger K, Leonhardt I, Kurzai O, Figge MT (2018) Quantitative simulations predict treatment strategies against fungal infections in virtual neutropenic patients. Front Immunol 9, 667.