Nanobody-mediated neutralization of candidalysin prevents epithelial damage and inflammatory responses that drive vulvovaginal candidiasis pathogenesis.
mBio 15(3),

Nadja Jablonowski
Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms +49 3641 532-1412 nadja.jablonowski@leibniz-hki.dePublications
Candidalysin delivery to the invasion pocket is critical for host epithelial damage induced by Candida albicans.
Cell Microbiol 23(10),
Antifungal activity of clotrimazole against Candida albicans depends on carbon sources, growth phase, and morphology.
J Med Microbiol 64,
One small step for a yeast - Microevolution within macrophages renders Candida glabrata hypervirulent due to a single point mutation.
PLOS Pathog 10(10),
Butyrate modulates antioxidant enzyme expression in malignant and non-malignant human colon tissues.
Mol Carcinog
[Epub ahead of print]
Immune evasion, stress resistance, and efficient nutrient acquisition are crucial for intracellular survival of Candida glabrata within macrophages.
Eukaryot Cell 13(1),
Clotrimazole dampens vaginal inflammation and neutrophil infiltration in response to Candida albicans infection.
Antimicrob Agents Chemother 57(10),
Candida albicans-epithelial interactions: dissecting the roles of active penetration, induced endocytosis and host factors on the infection process.
PLOS One 7(5),
The facultative intracellular pathogen Candida glabrata subverts macrophage cytokine production and phagolysosome maturation.
J Immunol 187(6),