Quantitative image analysis of cell colocalization in murine bone marrow.
Cytometry A 87(6),
503-512, *authors contributed equally.
Dr. Franziska Mech
Epithelial invasion outcompetes hypha development during Candida albicans infection as revealed by an image-based systems biology approach.
Cytometry A 85(2),
Automated characterization and parameter-free classification of cell tracks based on local migration behavior.
PLOS ONE 8(12),
Real-time image processing for label-free enrichment of Actinobacteria cultivated in picolitre droplets.
Lab Chip 13(18),
3707-3713, *authors contributed equally.
Systems biology of microbial infection.
Front Microbiol 3,
Image-based systems biology: A quantitative approach to elucidate the kinetics of fungal morphologies and virulence.
In: Highlight Papers of the German Conference on Bioinformatics 2012
German Conference on Bioinformatics, Jena, GCB.
Agent-based modeling approach of immune defense against spores of opportunistic human pathogenic fungi.
Front Microbiol 3,
On the way toward systems biology of Aspergillus fumigatus infection.
Int J Med Microbiol 301(5),
Automated image analysis of the host-pathogen interaction between phagocytes and Aspergillus fumigatus.
PLOS ONE 6(5),
e19591, *authors contributed equally.