Curriculum vitae

Main Research Areas
  • Immunology and infection biology of pathogenic fungi
  • In vivo and ex vivo infection models
  • Mucosal pathogen-host-interaction
Professional Career
since 2014 Professor for Microbial Immunology, FSU Jena
since 2013 Head of the research group "Microbial Immunology", HKI Jena
2013 Habilitation and Venia legendi in microbiology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
2007-2013 Head of the working group "Infection Models" within the department of Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms, HKI Jena, Deputy Supervisor
2007 Veterinary surgeon specialising in microbiology
2005-2007 Research assistant (postdoc) at the Institute for Microbiology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Hanover, within the SFB 587 (immune reaction of the lungs in case of infection and allergy, project A4)
2002-2005 PhD studies at the University of Veterinary Medicine, Hanover, project: "molecular mechanisms of the adaptation of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae to the respiratory tract of pigs" (DFG Research Training Group 745: Mucosal host-pathogen-interaction), PhD degree summa cum laude
2001 Veterinary license
1995-2001 Studies in veterinary medicine in Hanover and Pretoria, South Africa
Awards · Appointments · Scientific Activities
since 2013 Note taker within the specialist group "eukaryotic pathogens", Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM)
2013 Co-organiser FEBS Advanced Practical Course "state-of-the-art infection models for human pathogenic fungi"
since 2012 Academic editor for PLoS One and Medical Mycology Case Reports
2010-2013 Deputy member of the advisory panel in accordance with § 15 clause 1 Animal Welfare Act, Thuringia
2007 Partial fellowship for taking part in the course molecular mycology: current approaches to fungal pathogenesis, Woods Hole, USA
2005 Award in veterinary medicine from the Kurt-Alten-Foundation for the best PhD-thesis
2001-2004 Fellow at the DFG’s research training group 745
2000 Full fellowship (The Wellcome Trust) at the summer school: fundamentals of veterinary science, University of Cambridge, UK
1998 Awards from the H. Wilhelm Schaumann Stiftung zu Hamburg for the best student achievements
1995-2001 Fellow at the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes


Kotz A, Wagener J, Engel J, Routier FH, Echtenacher B, Jacobsen I, Heesemann J, Ebel F (2010) Approaching the secrets of N-glycosylation in Aspergillus fumigatus: characterization of the AfOch1 protein. PLOS One 5(12), e15729-e15729.
Menger B, Vogt PM, Jacobsen ID, Allmeling C, Kuhbier JW, Mutschmann F, Reimers K (2010) Resection of a large intra-abdominal tumor in the Mexican axolotl: a case report. Vet Surg 39(2), 232-233.
Schöbel F, Jacobsen ID, Brock M (2010) Evaluation of lysine biosynthesis as an antifungal drug target: biochemical characterization of Aspergillus fumigatus homocitrate synthase and virulence studies. Eukaryot Cell 9(6), 878-893.
Schrettl M, Beckmann N, Varga J, Heinekamp T, Jacobsen ID, Jöchl C, Moussa TA, Wang S, Gsaller F, Blatzer M, Werner ER, Niermann WC, Brakhage AA, Haas H (2010) HapX-mediated adaption to iron starvation is crucial for virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus. PLOS Pathog 6(9), e1001124-e1001124.
Laube T, Bernet A, Dahse HM, Jacobsen ID, Seifert K (2009) Synthesis and pharmacological activities of some sesquiterpene quinones and hydroquinones. Bioorg Med Chem 17(4), 1422-1427.
Völksch B, Thon S, Jacobsen ID, Gube M (2009) Polyphasic study of plant- and clinic-associated Pantoea agglomerans strains reveals indistinguishable virulence potential. Infect Genet Evol 9(6), 1381-1391.
Wilson D, Thewes S, Zakikhany K, Fradin C, Albrecht A, Almeida R, Brunke S, Grosse K, Martin R, Mayer F, Leonhardt I, Schild L, Seider K, Skibbe M, Slesiona S, Waechtler B, Jacobsen I, Hube B (2009) Identifying infection-associated genes of Candida albicans in the postgenomic era. FEMS Yeast Res 9(5), 688-700. (Review)
Mota Júnior AO, Malavazi I, Soriani FM, Heinekamp T, Jacobsen I, Brakhage AA, Savoldi M, Goldman MH, da Silva Ferreira ME, Goldman GH (2008) Molecular characterization of the Aspergillus fumigatus NCS-1 homologue, NcsA. Mol Genet Genomics 280(6), 483-495.
Schrettl M, Kim HS, Eisendle M, Kragl C, Nierman WC, Heinekamp T, Werner ER, Jacobsen I, Illmer P, Yi H, Brakhage AA, Haas H (2008) SreA-mediated iron regulation in Aspergillus fumigatus. Mol Microbiol 70(1), 27-43.
Hennig-Pauka I, Baltes N, Jacobsen I, Stratmann-Selke J, Gerlach GF, Selbitz HJ, Waldmann KH (0) [Study of the virulence of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae in finishing pigs as a basis for vaccination development]. Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr 121(5-6), 189-197.