Kickoff meeting of our PerMiCCion consortium: a PERsonalized MIcrobiome-Based Approaches to Early Onset Colorectal Cancer PreventION, Diagnosis, and Management
| by Ana Depetris Chauvin
On November 17, the PerMiCCion consortium met for the first time in Berlin. Since the launch of this collaborative project in May 2022, Dr. Gianni Panagiotou and the scientists involved in PerMiCCion have been meeting regularly via video conferencing to set up the first steps of the project. Now they finally had the opportunity to personally meet each other, discuss the work achieved so far, and plan the future directions of the consortium. In addition, we were delighted to be joined by the founder of the German Foundation for Young Adults with Cancer, a non-profit organization supporting young cancer patients.
The meeting was a great success and we are looking forward to the exciting work ahead.