DMykG foundation and FungiNet award poster prizes
PhD students of MPM have been honoured
The 49th Congress of the German Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG), which took place in Jena, Germany, has been very successful for our young scientists. Beside the publication award which has been awarded to Sascha Brunke and Katja Graf, two of our PhD students, Bettina Böttcher & Sarah Höfs, convinced the jury with excellent poster presentations.
We are happy to congratulate Bettina Böttcher who has received the Hans Rieth poster award. This prize honors the excellent didactical design of an outstanding scientific poster.
Furthermore, we congratulate Sarah Höfs. She won a poster prize, awarded by the Collaborative Research Center / Transregio 124 "Pathogenic fungi and their human host: Networks of Interaction - FungiNet."
Congratulations, Bettina & Sarah!