Out now - Nature paper published!
On April 7, 2016, our Nature article “Candidalysin is a fungal peptide toxin critical for mucosal infection” has now been published in the print issue of Nature.
In addition, our colleague Aaron Mitchell from the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, has written a commentary about our paper in the same issue (Microbiology: Fungus produces a toxic surprise, Nature 532, 41–42).
The article is the result of a fantastic collaboration between our colleagues and friends at the King’s College in London, the Forschungszentrum Borstel (Leibniz Institute) and the research groups ZIK Septomics, Molecular and Applied Microbiology (MAM) and our department MPM at the HKI.
For further information please contact Bernhard Hube via e-mail.